The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Software PrometheusTM

$ 289.95

For Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10

The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Software Prometheus is Software for Antique Dealers who have Stores; who do Shows; work from Home or Any Combination as well as Consignment Shops

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Some of the Features are:

Ease of Use * Maintains Unlimited Inventory with Pictures * Keyword and Group Searching. * Search by Images * Easily Enter Pictures of your Inventory * Track Sales, Purchases, Expenses, Returns, Profit/Loss, Layaways, Consignment Items, Auction Items, Repairs and Restorations * Track Costs of Purchases, Repairs, Restorations and shows * Over 650 Reports for Sales, Purchases, Profit/Loss, Returns, Auctions, Layaways, Consignments, Commissions, Taxes, Customer Purchase, customer wish list, plus many more (many with thumbnail images) * Print Labels and Price Tags - many with thumbnail images - with Ink Jet, Laser or Dymo 450 Turbo Printer (including Jewelry Labels - Dymo Printer Only) * Print POS (Point of Sale) Receipts, and Invoices for Sales, Returns and Layaways with Ink Jet, Laser, Star TSP 100 or Dymo 450 Turbo Printer * Bookkeeping/Accounting Module * Auction Watch Module * Ability to Load your Inventory on-line with pictures - no web site needed and free shopping cart (subscritpion service) * 20 plus Renameable Fields * Automatically Calculates Sales Tax *Add your own Logo * Tracks Quantity * Method of Payment Tracking including split transactions * Does Appraisal Memos, Consignment Agreements, Commission Agreements, Layaway Agreements, Gift Certificates and Catalogs * Automatically Calculates Sales Tax for Single or Multiple Locations * Sales Tax Reports * Do Reports by Day, Month, Quarter or Year for Sales, Purchases, Profit/Loss and much more * Show Check List and Calendar * Ability to Charge Customers Credit Card Fees * Calendar Reports (by day, month, quarter or Year) for Sales, Purchases, Profit/Loss and much more * Commission Reports * Layaway Reports * Track Items Missing, Damaged or Stolen * Calculates Change * Auction Reports * Items Out for Exhibition * Built In Margin and Mark Up Calculator * Multi Level Password Protection * Abilty to Delete Sales Worksheet (password protected) * Phone and Address books (including the Internet - Internet access rqd) * Set Up Consignment Discounts based on Date Item is Received and discounts will print on price tags based on Date should you desire it * and many other features not listed.

The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Software PrometheusTM built to be simple and easy for you, the Antique Dealer, to manage your business effectively, efficiently and with detail and pictures. The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory Management Software Prometheus is for the Professional Dealer. If feel you are computer impaired - you will enjoy the ability and ease to master the software. It comes complete with a Walk-Through guide/manual. A FREE EVALUATION COPY of the program is available at No Risk.

Track an Unlimited Inventory in Detail and Pictures; Manage Your Entire Business with one program; Track Sales, Purchases, Profit/Loss and Expenses; Does Point of Sale Receipts and Invoicing for Sales, Layaways Returns and Items Out on Memos; Calculates Sales Tax for Single or Multiple Locations; Renameable Fields (20 plus) making the program to be tailored better to meet your business needs; Purchase Reports, Profit/Loss Reports, Sales Reports, Sales Tax Reports and more; Ability to Add your Logo; Set up and print employee schedules and track Employee information; Keyword and Group searching by field; Search by image; Ability to charge Customer Credit Card Feeif desired; Margin and Mark Up calculator; Write checks from software; print price tags with consignment discounts; Track costs of Purchases, Repairs, Restorations and more; Bookkeeping Module. It is full of specialized reports, over 650 built-in, to aid you to monitor your growth, trends and more; plus many other features not listed

The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Prometheus Software TM is designed for Dealers whose business is store, run from home, shows or any combinationn as well as consignment shops.

  If you want to see enlarged screen shots of these images as well as others click here 

List and Track unlimited inventory items, along with information and pictures of each item.

Inventory is easy to view in tabbed pages defining each individual item with a detailed summary description, pictures, purchase history, sales and more.

Definable Drop Down fields to ease typing when adding items.

Add up to 4 pictures for each item.

Point and Click Menus

Track all your business expenses with our Bookkeeping Module.

Write Checks, Reconcile your Business Account and more.

Editable and Definable Drop Down Fields to list your expenses.

Track and Calculates Sales Tax (this can be done for a variety of locations – Perfect for Show Dealers and Internet Sales)

Ability to add a Customer Credit Card Fee to Receipts

Search and Locate your inventory, with all its information-- including keyword searching

Retrieve matching results instantly.

Reports (over 650 built-in) help you manage your business efficiently and effectively. Automatically generate: Sales, Purchase, Profit/Loss, and Bookkeeping including Point of Sale Receipts and Invoicing (with either a Ink Jet, Laser Jet, Star TSP 100, or Dymo 450 Turbo Printer), Price Tags &, Merchandise Labels (with either a Ink Jet, Laser Jet or Dymo Printer), Appraisal Memos, Authenticity Certificates, Consignment Agreements, Commission Agreements, Layaway Agreements, Gift Certificates, Customer Interests, Inventory, Financial reports and more. Generates Mailing Labels Financial Tracking of shows. Creates Check lists for your shows. Many other built-in reports as well.

Produce detailed reports Items out for Consignment, Auction, Repair or Restoration including the costs involved.





You can Add Consignment Discounts based on Date Received and Print Price Tags with Discounts based on Date if your wish.


Directly go to internet resources and services directly from the software such as DMLSLive, Antiqnet or EBay of your choosing. Add Unlimited addresses.

Auction Watch allows you to track on going auctions you are involved with to secure items.

Over 20 plus fields you can rename to better fit your individual inventory and business needs.

Create a Variety of Gift Certificates


Track Customer Information in detail including Customer Wish List and Shows Attended by Customer that you have done (you can also sort your mailing lists by Customer Wish List and Shows Attended)

Add your own logo for Receipts, Invoices, Memos and more

Easily define and add an unlimited amount of your own categories as well as other fields

Password-protected access to your sensitive business management areas.

Multi-Level Security, password protected by you, the dealer, who controls access to both the system and its private administrative functions.

  If you want to see enlarged screen shots of these images as well as others click here 

AVAILABLE ADD-ON - brings the POWER of SELLING on the INTERNET without the need of you owning a website (can be integrated easily if you have a website). It is a NON COMMISSION SERVICE. works exclusively with all of the A.A.I.N. Dealer Software Products. For Features, Details and Benefits of - Click the DMLS/DCLS Logo on the left.


Some of the Other Benefits of The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Prometheus Software TM software includes:

Pictorial Walk-Through Guide quickly familiarizes you with using the software.

FREE Technical Support for 90 days. Personal attention given to assist you on any questions and needs you might have.

Optional Maintenance Contract available for continued technical support.

Plus many other features not listed.

The Antique and Art Information Network, Inc. (A.A.I.N.) is confident that you will find The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Prometheus Software TM a valuable investment for your Business. We offer ninety days Free Technical Support and a FREE FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION COPY Risk Free.

To receive your FREE FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION COPY of The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Prometheus Software TM by contacting The Antique and Art Information Network, Inc. (A.A.I.N.) sales department by phone (1-352-259-4779), by E-mail , by clicking on "Order Free Evaluation Copy" listed below Risk Free. Include your name; company; address and phone number clearly and that you wish to receive a FREE FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION COPY. 

System Requirements

Recommendation: The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Prometheus Software TM will run best on an Intel I7 or AMD based, AT- compatible PC with a Super VGA monitor.

The Antique Dealer FastTrack Inventory and Business Management Prometheus Software TM Min. Requirements

* 486-based AT-compatible PC, operating at 800 MHz

* Program and initial database require 160 MB Hard Disk Space (evaluation copy requires 180 MB)

* One CD Drive or DVD Drive

* VGA color monitor

* Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10

* One printer

* 256 MB RAM (for Windows XP)

* 1 GB RAM (for Windows Vista)

* 2 GB RAM (for Windows 7, 8 and 10 )


If you wish to become a RESELLER of The Antique Dealers FastTrack Inventory System Contact our Sales Department by phone (1-352-259-4779) or by E-mail

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